“Like one who takes off a warm garment on a cold day, or like a loosening of crusty build-up, is he who brings music to a troubled heart.” – Proverbs 25:20 

Have you ever felt really down and then heard just the right words of encouragement from someone or some source? It can be so liberating! Someone cares. Someone understands. Someone notices. This is the idea behind the word encouragement in the God Story. It means to come alongside another person and to bring refreshing to both heart and soul.

I am not an encourager by nature. I didn’t experience it much growing up so it has been arduous to learn – to say the least. I believe that the “words of a brother or sister in adversity” is truly a gift from God. It takes caring. It takes discernment. And much intentionality. Encouragement must be realized within the arena of not merely doing good for what we can get – but from what another person receives from our words.

Acts 4:36 talks about Barnabas. His name meant “son of encouragement.” People who engage as encouragers are doing the work of God. When we come alongside someone to strengthen them in their trials we are blessed with the power of the Spirit. God loves you. You are unique and special on the earth. You matter to the Living God!


The Encouragers
The applied gift of encouraging words
Love Kiss

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