We believe God loves to hear His Word sung back to Him! The second part of this player holds 26 songs good for home or class environments – sung by kids.
Your Fourthstream Music Player brings easy access to songs composed from scripture. You can also listen as a backdrop for your time spent reading God’s Word, exercising, intentionally memorizing verses, or meditating for your day. There is a main reference so you can find the passage and launch into your own consideration of context. Enjoy – these are good for the heart!
(for ages 2-120 🙂 )
Dave and Burnadette Nadler
A playlist for adults to bring God's Word into your home!
And You Shall See My Face - Revelation 22
Beautiful - Psalm 16
Be Strong And Courageous - Joshua 24
Comin' Down - Psalm 133-134
Cornerstone - Psalm 118
Difficult Days - 2 Timothy 3
The God Story - 2 Peter 1:19
If You Could See - Psalm 139
Insight - Romans 8:27
Justice - Micah 6:8
Love Kiss - John 8:31,32 and 13:35
Perfect - Psalm 19
Reckon Yourself Dead - Romans 6:11-13
Return to Me - Psalm 103:12
Seek The Lord - Isaiah 55
Shine - Numbers 6:24-26
Silent Planet - Romans 3:10-12
There Is A Rest - Hebrews 4:9-13
Valley of Decision - Joel 3:13-15
Warrior - 1 John 5:4
Weeping Prophet Blues - Jeremiah 6:16
Pray for Rain - Joel 2:23
A playlist for for kids to bring God's Word into your home!
Sun And A Shield - Psalm 84
A Merry Heart - Proverbs 15:13; 17:22
All Your Heart - Proverbs 3:5,6
The Bible Book Song - Hebrews 4:12
The Bible Book Song (OT) - Matthew 22:36-40
Cornerstone - Psalm 28:7
Come Home Little Lambs - John 10:14
Do Not Be Angry - Psalm 37:3-5
Do You Not Know - Isaiah 40:28-31
Follow Me Follow - John 12:26
The Grass Withers - Isaiah 40:7-8
Garden Song - John 15
God Is Bigger Than That - Psalm 24:1
If you Say You Love God - 1 John 3:11
Jesus Is The King - Revelation 19:11-16
Keep Me Warm - Psalm 91:1; Ruth 2:12
Manna, Father - John 6:35
Milk & Honey - Deuteronomy 6:3
Morningstar! - Revelation 22:16
Now I lay Me - Matthew 11:28
O Come & Let Us Sing - Psalm 95
Season Song - Genesis 1:14
Shine Upon My Heart - John 11:27
The Teaching Song - 2 Timothy 3:16,17
This Could Be The Day - 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Wisdom Song - Proverbs 10:1