Fourthstream Discipleship:
A relationship over religion view of the teachings of Jesus

Learn about Jesus the King, His Kingdom, your home and His Church

We offer four Jesus paths within Fourthstream. Each one explores relevant ways the God of the Universe is personally inviting you to follow. Yes, you!

Whether you come from spiritual abuse or a spiritual void, there is real truth and real peace to be discovered in the words of Jesus himself.

The Fourthstream
Finding Hope Podcast

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Learn about Jesus the King

Core Teaching

Knowing Jesus

Initial encounters with Jesus that you can use for personal encouragement and to jumpstart a friend in Jesus spirituality.

The God Story

Here are keys for allowing the Bible to interpret itself bringing together its broadness, beauty, clarity, and harmony.

Learn about the Kingdom of Jesus

Kingdom Spirituality​


We have been given four Gospels which teach the Jewish, Gentile, and human heart. The Streamsbook animates His own words.

Our Book List

Throughout our significant years in God’s Word we have settled on six specific series of essays about the connected teachings.

Learn about the Church, Family & Home of Jesus


My Kingdom Heart

The Kingdom heart transcends any uninformed heart. This leads to a deeper freedom experience.

All About The Kingdom

It is easy to miss the beauty of the Kingdom. It begins with the heart and moves into how we live with others. Let’s do it!

40 Key Characters


From The Inside Out

Character is one expression of how we are growing from the inside-out. Great discussions on the deeper roots of internal success.

Spacious Places

In Jesus’ words – the relationship between the Law given through Moses and confirmed through Jesus’ own Father freedom.


Strong Homes

Learn about the Jesus in His own words

Deeper Skills

Jesus Centric

All 66 books of the Bible are woven into and around the Story of Jesus. Here you dive deeper in a very personal way.

Engage Training

Here we cover the core functions of becoming a Jesus follower, drawing ourselves and others deeper with lots of resources!