The God Box

It is my belief that every one of us constructs our own “god-box.”

This is why there are so many old and modern religions.

ALL religion falls short of the glory of God, even the best intentioned.

Our only hope for authenticity is found in the answer to the question: “has God spoken?”

If He has – we must discover His words and allow these words to interpret themselves.

True Beauty is a gift found in knowing and being known by God.

Our Creator can be found in all beauty seen in our world.

Providing Shelter to others is a sure way of drawing close to the heart of God.

To the degree we want to BE GOD – we create our own GOD BOXES. And this is a shame, because God has spoken to us through creation, through His Son, and through His Word about Himself.

Let’s get outside the box 🙂

Dave – [email protected]

The God Box is part of introduction.