Fathers & Sons

Hand ArtDear Sons,

Thanks for taking the time to come to Camp Morningstar with me this weekend. It makes me grateful for you both, and reflective of a few things God brings to my heart about being the father of two fine sons. So, here goes…

I am struck by how imperfect I am as a father. I try hard, but it is kind of a shot in the dark. Loving each other through life-seasons is really the best thing I can offer, I think. Of course I appreciate the men you have become. It does my heart good to see you implement your own style, your own ideas. It is weird moving from being in the driver’s seat to the backseat (and I don’t want to be a back-seat driver).

I wish I could have spared you some of the pain you have encountered – but thinking it through makes me realize that this is ultimately pretty selfish. I would never want you to suffer, let alone inflict your pain myself. And yet I (and life) have dealt you your share of challenges and tough times. But then I suppose to become an overcomer – one must overcome.

It is a privilege to have you as my sons. Forgive me where I have fallen short. You, your mom, and your sister are my great treasures in life. My hope is that the cup of your life will fill with deep joy, and that you will truly find a satisfied mind and a rich, full soul. It will be a privilege to be by your side in the coming Kingdom.

Love, Dad

A Dad-quote from Curious Journey:
“Tonight I am watching my three oldest grandsons sleeping in their bunks in our cabin at Camp Morningstar. I feel a thousand miles away from the busy world that clicks along around me at the speed of light. As I listen to their breathing I pray for Fusion with their Creator. I am hopeful that their individual imprints on the souls of the people they love will be great. I dream of meeting them face to face after they have lived out their own lives of faith, sharing endless God-stories and enjoying a suffering-free eternity – when these shadows become rivers of light.”

“We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts.”   – 2 Peter 1:19 in the Message