S1E01: What is Jesus Centric?

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What Is Jesus Centric?

JESUS-CENTRIC and the Heart and Mind of the Father of Everything 

The perfect family emanates from eternity. They needed nothing but each other to live in completion and fulness. Before there was Time there was perfection. The Father reigned over all. His Son was His friend. The Spirit brought His will and words into being and Lady wisdom filled His family with beauty and action. There was animated and harmonious relational reality.

Humans believe we live within and are the ultimate reality. But more accurately, we have been included in the Story reality of God. Through our journeys of faith God is honored and we are swept into something greater than we could ever find on our own. Even though we try hard to make things happen on our own.

The Bible is a series of woven threads of reality and truth. Each one reveals the heart of God. My favorite thread to explain this is found in Genesis 1:2-4 where the Spirit of God is moving over the surface of the waters as He separates light and darkness, even before He makes the sun and the moon (2:1-24). In final written communication to humanity He completes what is a beautiful and life-giving thread: The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.” Revelation 22:17

This is the beginning and end of one of the major threads of the Bible: The Spirit of God. There are hundreds of references to the Holy Spirit throughout the unfolding God Story. By caring enough to examine and meditate on each one we are taught about some aspect of the heart and mind of the Father of everything. And that is how we can keep ourselves in tune with the eternal voice of our Creator!

 Here are four passages which help frame the woven thread of the authority and actions of God. Take the time to meditate on and enjoy each one!
Job 38:1-7
Hebrews 1:1-4
Acts 17:16-31
John 8:58

So what do we mean by Jesus- Centric?

√   Every part of the story of the human race (all of us) and of the chosen race (the Jews) flow from the Father’s relationship with the Son.
√   There is no one like Jesus in history.
√   The plan and purposes of God revolve around the freely made choices of the Son to suffer and die on behalf of our lost world.

Jesus was the Son before the world was created. He is born into human form to accomplish the purposes of the trinity: the Father of all living, the Son Who saves the world, and the Spirit Who speaks the mind and heart of God into existence.

This All Things New link comments upon the big picture outline on how we will approach our Jesus Centric quest. Perhaps you have read the Bible chronologically and even made it past Leviticus! This is different. We are beginning with the eye-witness accounts and plugging the entire Bible into the Jesus story.

√   Do you know why the Bible (God Story) is by far one-of-a-kind? It is hyperlinked!
√   Would you like to be more connected to Jesus, His Father, and His Spirit?
√   These verses from Colossians 1:15-17 are key to understanding Jesus Centric:

“He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” 

How Fourthstream.com can be a benefit to you and those you love:
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If you have a questions feel free to reach out to us: [email protected]. You can also check out Dave and Burnadette’s weekly podcast – they are more brief and exciting in a different way :).

Thanks for joining us. Invite a friend! The episodes in Jesus Centric hang together, but they work well as stand alone studies. For us, it is all about connecting with God in our heart and mind. And soul.

Matthew is the first of four collections of eye-witness accounts concerning this one of a kind life. We will introduce our study with a two-part episode consideration of this Jesus Story written to appeal to the heart and mind of a Jew.

By the way, the Bible is written King First – then Kingdom – then Church. This is why early in Matthew Jesus says: “Turn away and turn toward, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

Dave Nadler for myself, Burnadette, and our Kingdom Friends!

Find the God Story hyperlink conversation here!