S1E09: Connectivity – 1

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John 1-10

Many agree that John the disciple penned his gospel between 30-40 years after the resurrection of his King, Jesus. What’s cool about this is that he had plenty of time to process, grow as a follower (he was probably in his 20’s when he walked with Jesus), and apply the things he had seen, heard, and implemented. His main conclusion: Jesus taught us to love one another. Radical.

There is a tone in John’s Jesus account that is unique. Perhaps it is because he had a ringside seat from the beginning. Certainly the calling of each disciple, while complimentary, was very distinct. Peter, James, and John could be said to be the closest of Jesus’ human companions, especially during the 3-4 years of His public mission.

As we read the first chapters (through the raising of Lazarus from the dead) we are taken with the insightful approach of John’s account. There is uniqueness. There is warmth. There is integration of truth with compelling stories. There is transcendent understanding coupled with the gritty truth about what Jesus came to accomplish – as the Light of the World.

Podcast Outline Notes:
The Light  (1:1-13)
The Lamb of God  (1:14-38, 51)
What He Knew  (2:24-25)
The Wind  (3:1-21)
The Water  (4:13-14, 24) = connectivity
The Bread  (6:26-40)
The Thirsty  (7:7-39)
The Light Pivot   (8:12,13, 31, 32, 58)
The Good Shepherd   (10:7-9, 14-16, 22-30, 42)

“This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.”  – John 21:24-25

Love to you!
Dave and Burnadette

Related links:
Diving Deeply into the Book of John