When I think about the people who have provided shelter for me through the years there are multiple faces that come to mind. A parent. A teacher. A neighbor. A mentor. A sibling. It is good for me to review my story periodically and think about those who have provided guidance or impacted or even changed my trajectory (whether intentionally or incidentally). So we invite you into this question: “Who has been used to impact me by coming alongside and even covering me in my unfolding years?”
Shelter is Who our Creator is. Within our turbulence there is One who pays attention to our comings and goings, and who intervenes for our ultimate welfare and help. This can take many forms, and sometimes may only be seen in the rear-view mirror. There are a number of Hebrew words which describe the shelter we receive in life. Again – not just for our bodies, but for our minds, hearts, and souls as well. Behind every act of shelter is the power and favor of God. Turbulence and imperfection appear to reign – but they do not!
This leads to the second question of our invitation to you: “Who have you personally given or chosen to provide shelter to in your journey?” Where have you chosen to dedicate your time, your talents, or your treasures to covering someone who is exposed? And what has been the result of such actions? To the person? To your own heart?
We were watching a movie the other day called Driveways, Brian Dennehy’s final movie, where he plays a veteran of the Korean War. Living alone, he befriends a young, shy boy who has come with his mother to clean out his deceased aunt’s hoarded home. Do you know you are viewing a good movie when, as one of our grands says, “your eyes get all watery?” These are the memorable things. Those which resonate with some aspect of shelter. This is because we are made in the image of God.
Our 8th podcast season will include at least 16 episodes of one aspect of the significance of these two questions: Who has given me Shelter and to whom have I provided shelter. We think you will enjoy and benefit from joining us to read and tell stories of shelter at Storiesofshelter.com, where we are building an on-line shelter community. Good for our hearts!
We are with you!
Dave and Burnadette
A shelter “big picture” podcast
Previous podcast seasons:
Season #1 The Freedom Laws – 31 Episodes
Season #2 The War – 30 Episodes
Season #3 Turbulence of Imperfection – 33 Episodes
Season #4 Kingdom Core – 14 Episodes
Season #5 God’s Man/God’s Woman – 11 Episodes
Season #6 My Learning Heart – 13 Episodes
Season #7 The Power of Hope – 20 Episodes