The Abyss/The Covenant/The Crossroads

I am enjoying this class experience very much (does it strike you how often movie media rips off the great themes of the God Story?)!

This week we will cover sessions 5-7 (pages 20-30) Death Trap Abyss/Blood Covenant/Crossroads  

What does the Good News mean with no bad news? The God Story teaches that there is a chasm between God and mankind, and only ONE way to cross the bridge of light. Understanding the abyss can be motivating to spiritual process. Not for the purpose of “scaring the hell” out of people, but to paint a faithful picture of what is at stake.

This then leads to a reasoned look at the Blood Covenant in order to understand where the shedding of blood (so not PC) fits into the Story. This brings about a collision between life and death – where the Son of God enters to stand at ground zero. Hence, the Crossroads of Life and Death!

Genesis 3 Why is this story so epic for the human race – as well as our personal lives?
Psalm 139 What does this passage teach us about the transference of sin and separation?
Exodus 3  What does this chapter teach us about the Living God? About us?
John 8 There is a lot here about how Jesus is addressing the DEATH TRAP ABYSS. What do you see?
Luke 2 How do Simeon and Anna address the issue of spiritual death?
Hebrews 1:1-4 Why is Jesus (Yeshua) so important in addressing the issue of spiritual death?  Isaiah 7
Matthew 1:23 Why is this prophecy an important one in preparing us for the human birth of the Son of God?
John 3 What does Jesus say will allow any man or woman to escape eternal spiritual death?
Watch the video:

Isaiah 7:14; 9:6,7 Who is coming?
Luke 1:26-45 How can we know it is Him?
Matthew 2:16-18 Why He came
Hebrews 9:11-22 The Shedding of Blood
John 6:41-58 The Bread of Life
Revelation 12:1-9 The Big Picture
Watch the “Seed” video/Deep Water my friend):

John 10:7-10 Do all roads lead to Rome?
Hebrews 1:3 Purifying Collision
Colossians 1:15-20 Who is this Man?
Matthew 27:51-54 Who is this Man?
(watch the “Crossroads” video:

If you have someone you would like to include in Kingdom Training, our next course begins April 1 – a great entry point. These three introductions weave together – so don’t freak out about timing of assignments – it is all about conversations with the heart. Enjoy – my studious friend. Every 20 minutes turns into 30 – when you are looking for treasure!

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