In Day #5 we return with Jesus to His hometown where He had grown up. Luke 4:14-30 is our text and should be read in conjunction with Isaiah 61, inasmuch as Jesus Himself refers to (and actually reads) the passage in His hometown synagogue (Jewish place of worship). This moment is dramatic and includes a remarkable teaching and an amazing “escape!”

Day #6 occurs in the region of Samaria, somewhere between Jerusalem (the big house) and Capernaum (where fishermen and farmers lived) on the north side of the sea of Galilee. Samaritans were considered second-class for a variety of historical reasons. Jesus’ interaction with this “woman at the well” becomes iconic for us as we understand un-religious, spiritual connection with God. John 4:1-45

Days 7-9 cover one of the most extensive recorded teachings of Jesus, and we examine chapters 5-6-7 of the book of Matthew. He explains what it means to follow God with your whole heart, gives insight on the purpose of the Law, and confronts the perversions of it by the conflicted religious leaders who taught the Jews.

There is a good chance we will fall short of considering all of these passages in one evening, but let’s give it a shot! Try to read each passage several times and make your deeper observations in your notebook. Remember, one of our goals is to make the Streamsbook a tool you can use with others as you embrace your own Kingdom impact among those in your story! See you at 5 at the Pulse Studios at Fox Creek. This is going to be good!

Dave Nadler – here is a link to days 5-9 in case the dog ate your homework 🙂