Imagine, with a little bit of effort each week you can establish or enhance your personal OS for deep knowledge into the heart and mind of the Living God. That’s what Life in the God Story is all about…finding a sustained God connection!

Here are the links to both your Genesis and Job guides. You will find them helpful as you read – as you choose the level of learning that fits you.

Several things are available to help you go deeper as you read (choose tools that fit you):

#1.   Take a first glance at the pdf reading guide for each book/how does each book fit together? (7 minutes)

#2.   Review the overview and background for the books of Genesis and Job (pdf’s) (5-10 more minutes)

#3    Use the included chapter charts to record your main take away thoughts and key verses (actual time unknown)

#4    Select your favorite verses for each chapter and highlight them for future reference (the reward of your reading!)


These will get you cranked!
The 8 Minute God Story
The 15 Minute Bible

Are you excited yet?
Dave & Burnadette

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