MBG – 004: God Is Family

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God Is Family

Today we take a look at God’s vision for family. It is hard to imagine family interaction between the Father, His Son, the Holy Spirit, and Wisdom herself. And yet from this family picture we find our roots. Just as the Father loves His Son, we too are offered the gracious love of our Father through His Son Jesus.

It is breath-taking how simple God designed family life to be, and how complicated we have and continue to make it. This is because family life, just as any part of a solid life, often gets confused and overcome by the many voices within and without. But having a God-family is within reach. This is all about heart – and not merely what we do. It takes spiritual faithfulness to bless the earth with a family filled with love and devotion to one another. It is a commodity.

It is up to us to cut through the noise and establish a home that best reflects the family values God reveals to us – by how He treats His own family.

To be a part of God’s family has amazing benefits. We don’t have to work for His love. We don’t have to hide our weaknesses. We don’t have to worry about pleasing a Father Who does not understand our challenges and foibles. What a relief – and what a motivator!

Find lots of great family support under Strong Home courses – as you pray for, establish, and maintain a Jesus-centered home.


Dave and Burnadette Nadler

God & Families
Lady Wisdom
Strong Home Tune-up
A Family Heart Song