The Perfect Wedding

Don’t you love a sincere wedding?! A day that is more about the new marriage than the “day?” I have overseen quite a few ceremonies and feel the more celebratory – the more meaningful. The greater the expressed love the deeper the communal experience. Observing sincerity between bride and groom always moves my heart. Love is everything. Before the day, during the day, and in the unfolding months and years to come.

Burnadette and I have enjoyed over 45 years of perfect marital bliss. I am kidding. Lots of work. We have fulfilled our vows to each other with solemn respect for our Creator, and to the best of our ability have consulted His good Spirit through His pure promises. Through our ups and downs we have become better friends with Jesus, and consequently, better friends to each other.

Imagine the BIG WEDDNG when His Bride (us) is fully prepared for eternity with her Husband! Talk about a celebration. Men and women from every nation and century will gather. Angels and creatures beyond our imagination will be on hand to observe as anticipating guests. It is hard to grasp a celebration which will never end.

Just as God the Father and His Son and Lady Wisdom complete His family, Jesus will embrace His forever Bride. Right now this is humanly unimaginable from our current vantage point. And yet, it is as sure as each of our births, lives, and deaths. We will be resurrected for this great wedding of completion. And the Bride He has won with His own blood will be His for eternity!

Waiting with you,
Dave and Burnadette

His Church
A God Marriage
A Good Marriage Song