COMING HOME: A Week-long Return to Your Spiritual Roots

JANUARY 4-8th, 2021

“We’re leveraging COVID to create an environment to THRIVE and overcome” and calling it COMING HOME!

As you grew up you and your family were faithfully prayed for. We asked God for things seen and unseen: your heart, your soul, your success as a person, and the formation of the Kingdom within you. We are still praying for you 🙂

We would like to connect to celebrate, pray, and discuss what God is doing inside our hearts. We will deep-dive into some of the great themes of our lives – all within the solid back-drop of the God story (of course)! 

Coming Home is:

  an in-person and/or on-line connection on January 4-8th to help encourage life-skills to thrive

  it includes stories and experiences that matter

  we investigate approaches to help you get started, build on top of what you have already begun, and mobilize for the journey to over-coming mentally, physically, relationally, and spiritually

– it provides conversation opportunity for you and your friends

Sound interesting? Our live team will facilitate lots of great stories, music, solid Word connections, and great conversations. Each evening will be streamed to connect with your special group of friends (if you want you can sign in to moderate your group and provide feedback). 3 Ways to connect: 1) in-person, 2) on-line, or 3) and/or as a watch party host.

5 Evenings/7:30-8:30 pm

Monday January 4               #1   Power of Story: What are you seeing in your story?
Tuesday January 5              #2   In what ways are you seeing the Kingdom grow around you?
Wednesday January 6       #3   What are you learning as a Woman or Man of God?
Thursday January 7            #4   What is happening in your God-connection?
Friday January 8                  #5   How do you see yourself as someone who connects others to God?

Hope you can make it January 4th at 7:30 PM!

Hosted by Dave and Burney Nadler and their awesome friends.

Let me know if you want to participate text 515-240-2995 or e-mail [email protected].
Here is a pdf on the plan.

Coming Home: The event is just the beginning.