Kingdom 10: Kingdom Clarity

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Kingdom 10: Kingdom Clarity

Matthew continues to teach us about the nature of the Kingdom. It is really breathtakingly simple. But why is it so difficult to pull off in real time? The nature of the Kingdom is all about the heart. God has made us to use our mind, our intellect, our faculties. What a great gift!

But this is only a part of who we are. Our physical beings are amazing as well. And we are complex computing machines! “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14)

We also appear to have a part of us that the Bible calls our heart. It it the place our mind and body act based upon our core beliefs – our personal world-view as it were. Our character, our choices to act or not act, our approach to circumstances and people challenges – all find residence in our hearts. Taken together they make up the expressive regions of our soul. Does this make sense?

Jesus invites us to give up ourselves and choose His Kingship over our lives. This means that despite our disadvantaged internal condition, the entropy of life and personal attainment, and our most often-as-not out of control self-centeredness; we are to find ourselves by losing ourselves. This brings all of the benefits of humbling ourselves under God’s perfect authority.

Pages 29-31 in Kingdom: Finding Our True Selves embraces this conversation. What clarity we can find when God opens the door of our heart!

Hope you are enjoying meditating on the King and His Kingdom. So good for my heart!