We enjoy bringing you our weekly podcasts from Thanks for listening! If you want to understand more about our mission and approach, click on the “Take the Tour” button at the top right.

We also hear from our friends that helpful reminders to connect with the God Story on a regular basis are good, so per those requests we once again begin this consistent, systematic option for you to read through the Bible with us. We would be happy to send you reminders to cast direction for that particular week.

Every week at we will post:

#1  Our topic for the week – meant to open conversations with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

#2  Book by book readings highlighting aspects of each book of the God Story as we read through the entire Bible. We also provide resources to help you go as deeply as you wish.

#3 We will also highlight some aspect of praying together for our city ( gives an overview)

#4 There will also be an essay to consider a principle that relates to our topic or book by book effort, and a conversation pdf providing a connection tool for your and your kids or you and your friends.

You won’t regret your investment of time and effort.

Dave & Burnadette

Here is the plan for you to consider!