Easter Hangover

Funny-Cute-Rabbits-Funny-Cute-Rabbit-Picture-023-FunnyPica.com_-140x140While bunnies and eggs dominate the American easter culture each year, the resurrection is far and away the true meaning of our Spring celebration. It might be a good idea to have “resurrection conversations” with family and friends, conversations rooted in Passover (when Jesus was killed) and the first day of the week (when Jesus was raised from the dead).”

Did you know that Christ told many people He was going to be killed?

Did you know that for 40 days after He was raised from the dead He appeared to hundreds (perhaps thousands) of people? At one point this included more than 500 people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:3-9).

Did you know that when Jesus died, graves split open and dead people came out and walked around Jerusalem?

(Matthew 27:52-53)

Nice! We have a whole year to prep for the next bunny season. Hope you enjoyed the ham.

Dave   –   [email protected]


More Resurrection Day notes from the video posted in my previous “The Death of Death” post:

Acts 1:3 /Jesus and His presentation after resurrection/many convincing proofs!

Acts 6:8/The resurrection is woven into all of the letter of the apostles

Acts 26:22-23/The resurrection and the Good News

1 Peter 1:3/Born again to a living hope – an indestructible hope!

1 Peter 3:21/The baptized and washed conscience by the One Who prays for us

Revelation 20:5/The first resurrection and the second death/Our future hope is in the resurrection from the dead!

1 Corinthians 15:1-11/The Impact of the Resurrection – you are standing in grace if you believe. 500 people at one time = explosion!

1 Corinthians 15:12-19/No resurrection – a valueless faith.

1 Corinthians 15:20-34/He is the First of the resurrected dead!

The last abolished enemy of God is Death – wow/That God may be all in all. The full Oneness.

1 Corinthians 15:35-49/Immortal seed in the glory of God – there are two kinds of glory.

He carries His marks forever – wow/mortality and immorality.

1 Corinthians 15:50-58/The swallowing 🙂 Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Only the Spirit can bring immortality.