Jesus and His Kingdom never wavers. offers an opportunity to connect with God in a way that makes sense – first King, then Kingdom, then church!

Here is your connection to learning hopeful Kingdom spirituality:

A Pure Heart, Knowing God, Doing Kindness, and Growing Life

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Learn About Jesus

Latest Jesus Centric Podcast

Latest Finding Hope Podcast

Fourthstream is your connection to learning about hope in Jesus

Latest Book:

This book is about chaos and order, the meaning of personal story, the greatness of God, finding our personal compass, and the reward of deep hope. It is written in a series of essays which you may find helpful as you contemplate the inevitable intersect of philosophy, science, and authentic faith.

Getting Started With Jesus

There has never been or ever will be another person like Jesus. He not only turned the world upside down, He also reversed the death-course in which all humanity finds ourselves. Here is a way to dive deeply and quickly into this one-of-a-kind life, and freshly encounter the God-secrets revealed in God’s dear Son.

Why We Teach What We Teach

Why would you listen?

We have put together videos that describe our core beliefs on major subjects regarding Faith, Science, and Philosophy, and invite you to take a look and see if they resonate. The video to the right will help you assess your interest, and you can click the link below to see all 19 of our core videos.

In The Media:

Brent Harris Interviews Dave Nadler:

The most recent interview with Dave Nadler at a leadership event in Cedar Rapids, IA.  Dave discusses the intersection of science philosophy and faith and much more…

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