The Value of Good Questions

Busy. Busy. Busy. We are stimulated by choices from when we get up to the time we drift off at night. At some point I realized that strait-forward, searching, well-thought through questions are helpful for my own peace of mind – as well as in opening and building relationships with some depth.

Here are a few questions I ask myself with consistent regularity:

  •  What does this circumstance mean or do for my life of faith?
  • How is this situation or issue helping others grow in grace?
  • How have the events/interactions of this day (and my response to them) furthered my picture of who I know I want to be?
  • Is there anything from today that needs to be put right so I can live with a clear conscience tomorrow?

By returning frequently and faithfully to these questions, it has helped me to stay focused on having a substantive life – so I can experience peace of mind.

Good questions help us engage more deeply, and find the peace of mind which results in a heart at rest. Intentional reflection upon our own daily story can help us move from the motions of busyness to laying hold of deeper meaning. But this never happens unless I make appointments with myself in order to reflect.

Hope your heart is soft today, my friend!

Dave Nadler

“This you know, my beloved brothers. Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”   – James 1:19,20