The God Story Course

How many times a day do you think about God?  Or what He is doing in your life? Do you think about it as many times as you think about…food?  What’s on TV that night?  Plans for the weekend?  I can honestly say that I probably don’t.  However, I’ve started regularly making time for reflection on what I believe and God’s role in my everyday life.  One of the things I’ve done is subscribed to the God-Story Course, which starts off with a “Mini-Course” and progresses through a series of studies designed to help the reader dig deeper in to their spiritual life.

Starting off with the Mini-Course is a great way to ease yourself in to a daily (or semi-daily) routine of asking yourself important questions about what you believe, why you believe it, and how that plays out in your everyday life.  You’ll be asked questions like:

  • Are there any “coincidences” or pivot points in your life that have shaped you into who you are?
  • How much time have you spent personally investigating/comparing the great teachers of history? (This one was tricky – and somewhat embarrassing for me!)
  • Since you are also a creation of God, why do you think He created you?

You’ll also watch a few videos that bring up intriguing questions about the origins of our world and God’s true purposes.

In the short couple of weeks that it took to go through the Mini-Course, I became accustomed to the time I was setting aside to experience God, and I’m excited to move forward through the next studies.  I’m excited because I can feel the effects of taking time to reflect on God.  When I’m far from him, I feel more stressed, and I tend to despair pretty easily.  But taking these moments to think about Him and what He means in my life brings a much steadier feeling to my days.  And if you’re someone who is still questioning what, if anything, you believe, this is a great place to start.  These thoughts and questions aren’t “religious”.  They are about the relationship between man and God, and they bring up important spiritual questions that any self-reflecting human should ask, if they want to dig deeper in to what they really believe.

I hope you’ll join me!  You can sign up to begin at  Just enter your name and email address, and the course will be sent directly to you, one at a time.  The great thing is that it’s self-directed.  You move at your own pace, and each “section” is brief enough that you can find time in your busy schedule for it.  Being a mom myself, I know how hard that can be!  But it is so worth it.  So jump right in and get started!