006: Jesus & Seeds & Soils
0:00 / 0:00 Jesus & Seeds & Soils All sorts of meaning have been ascribed to this particular teaching of Jesus. I wonder
0:00 / 0:00 Jesus & Seeds & Soils All sorts of meaning have been ascribed to this particular teaching of Jesus. I wonder
Our city, like all cities, needs spiritual rain to fall upon our thirsty souls – whether we know we are thirsty or not.
In our culture the subject of death is embraced by some, ignored by many, and glossed over by most. Of course, life and
0:00 / 0:00 Father Of Perfect Love Love is a great treasure. A gift. It is a great motivator. True love is sometimes
0:00 / 0:00 Kingdom Generations We don’t select our parents. That part of our story is out of our hands. Nor do we
Younger people lack experience but often have great hearts. Some older people are really wise and strong. Older people can also get worn
0:00 / 0:00 John: Close Heart Think back through the highlights of your life. What makes things memorable? Poignant situations? Sights, sounds, and