Psalm 107: Good News-Bad News

The last several years have been challenging on many levels. But it is not as though there have not been such things throughout humanity’s checkered history. Trouble follows the offspring of Adam and Eve down every road. There is no way to stamp it out or avoid it. The cost has been devastating to all. We must find some way of redemption – something effective and God-originated, right?

Psalm 107 is in my heart this week. Let’s dive in! Psalm 106 tells the history of God’s people with all of the highlights and lowlights of their journeys. Psalm 107 focuses on God’s work of ransoming through “wonders for the sons of men.” This phrase can be found in vs 8, 15, 21, and 31. Observation #1.

I love the way this Psalm begins:

“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary and gathered from the lands –  from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.”  – Psalm 107:1-3

We wander (verses 4-9) in a hungry land. We live in the shadow of death (verses 10-16). We are healed in the midst of our foolish and rebellious ways and the turbulence of our lives as we are carried up and down on waves (verses 17-32). Does it ever feel this way to you? This is the outline of the Psalm – observation #2.

So I conclude:

God’s power is over all  (verses 33-43). Though all of our ups and downs He is working: “He makes His families like a flock.” (vs 41) How cool is this?! No matter how imperfectly messy our lives become God’s purposes for us never fail.

I have titled this Psalm-song “The Wonders of a Safe Haven,” and have chosen verses 2 and 30 as my key verses as markers for my meditating desire. 

“Let the ransomed of the Lord say so, whom He has brought back from the hand of the adversary.” This reminds me to remain focused on the bigger picture of my good news in the midst of the bad news all around me. It also spurs me on in my role of “saying so.” After all, we have been tasked and empowered to fish for men!

Verse 30 caps it off for me: “He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they were quiet, so He guided them to there desired haven.” This the stillness of the Good News in the midst of troubled waters. We are being guided to our safe haven.

Psalm 107 ends appropriately: “Who is wise/ Let him pay attention and listen to these things, and consider the many kindnesses of our God.” Good advice, I think! Here’s to a week filled with perspective. As the bad news continues to unfold (as it surely will), our great God is revealing His wonders to us. To me. To you!

Let’s take advantage of our safe haven this week.

(lift this up to the highway of praise which perpetually flows before the throne of the Living God)

Love you,

Dave & Burney


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