008: Character 8 – Free From the Love of Money – Loving What is Good

Inside-out character must involve key resources and decisions for how we live our lives. Jesus said if we cannot manage our earthly lives, how can we entrusted with heavenly things? These two qualities highlight God consistency with our choices – even with money!

Love of money is a spiritual pivot point. Being wealthy is not a sin – yet what we do with our wealth surely defines our values. By the way, we have met people in every part of the income strata who fall victim to the love of money. It is not just a rich man or rich woman’s game.

Loving What is Good moves into the arena of all of our values. Good and evil are not as difficult to distinguish as our confused culture would have us think. In fact, God’s truth is written into our dna. We just choose to discount or ignore it.

There is only One Who is good.

Dave & Burnadette (can’t be us/we are two)

Here is a pdf of the qualities.