Full of Days

In my tenure as a teaching elder I participated in a number of funerals. Family members, friends, people connected to our community. Babies, teens, all ages of adults – both expected and unexpected. As we have processed mortality – our own and that of others – we have concluded that each of us is allotted our own number of God Days. We get this from Moses.

“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”     – Psalm 90:12  The word here for number implies “from sunrise to sunset.” Each of our lives has a sunrise (birth) and a sunset (death). Everything in between can either be full or not so full. Even empty. Or it also can be prep for something more!

The inevitability of death is often contemplated – perhaps contributing to the popularity of the Day of the Dead (Halloween) as the second most lucrative retail holiday (lots of outfits). We can’t get away from mortality, precisely because we are so inevitably mortal.

To live a full life is truly a blessing – and to live it with a satisfied mind is a rare gift.

Of King David it is said: “Then he died in a ripe old age, full of days, riches and honor; and his son Solomon reigned in his place.”  – 1 Chronicles 29:28

David’s mortal life was rich (full). It was far from pain free – it was full in God. The same with the old guy Job.

And Job died, an old man and full of days.” – Job 42:17

Jesus taught that building bigger barns wouldn’t get us where we wanted to go regarding our souls (Luke 12). So the best a man or woman can hope for is a full heart. This we can carry with us into the life to come.

And we think we know where a full heart originates, right?

Dave and Burnadette

A satisfying sunrise to sunset.
Long live the heart!