Graciously Seen

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Graciously Seen

Hope can be an elusive thing. While we are living within fallen humanity we are told that we are offspring of a perfect God Who cannot tolerate evil. This is a huge paradox, particularly when this One True God is also slow to anger and overflowing with lovingkindness!

Our Creator tells us He is the great God above all gods. He is not merely top dog – He is the only true God. And in addition to being purely true, He is incredibly kind and slow to anger. This is difficult to grasp because we see everything through human eyes. We play off each other and compare ourselves to other humans rather than to God’s gracious standards. “Not the best but not the worst either.” “Pretty good considering the competition.” It is no wonder 75% of us think we are above average!

God reveals Himself to be slow to anger and overflowing with infinite kindness, and we are beneficiaries of His patient grace. Laying down our lives for others is the gold standard – it is His ultimate evaluation of a soul. God’s deep kindness leads us to turn away and turn toward. This is the full meaning of repentance. Our turbulence stems from the fact that the human race is arrogant to the core, which is why Jesus taught us the importance of loving others more than we love ourselves.

What if He births us into a world at war where there is imperfection around every corner, and this imperfection is the proving ground for personal faith? Not cookie cutter faith. Not mere obedience coerced by a distant celestial figure. Rather, a personal faith chosen by each of His sons and daughters. Each of us.

Will our choices make us effective and ultimately successful? Will this occur through our own sound judgement and personal “goodness?” We are in a tough spot. Something needed to be done to activate the faith of many in order to escape the inevitable and ultimate loss of all. Enter the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He is grace to the max, and He came to reverse the curse.

Often those who consider the human struggle within imperfection indicate that perhaps our suffering is because of something we have done. While this often may be true, it is certainly not the only reason we suffer. Premature death, family disappointment, letting down or being let down by those we have trusted – are also weighty things which occur endemically. And imperfection propels us places we would never choose to go. Our personal turbulence from an imperfect world rocks our own existence and causes us to ask deeper why questions.

We inevitably come to a crossroads: Is God good, or is He capriciously pulling my chain? Does He have my best interests at heart? Is His love flawed in some fundamental regard? Has He “got this” or are things spiraling out of control? 

And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.”  – Luke 18:19

Thank God that He is good. He does not view us based merely upon what we deserve, but who we can and are becoming in Jesus!

Amazing grace!
Dave and Burnadette

A good grace song
A deep dive to 20,000 feet