The STREAMSBOOK begins August 5

Little has been better for my personal faith than time spent looking directly at the words and works of the King of the earth.

Our next section of Kingdom Training will be August 5 (through the end of September – about 7 weeks). The Streamsbook allows us to consider the flow of the Jesus story in the 4 Gospels, helps us to find fresh insight into His teaching and miracles, and focuses us on our hope which is built on what Christ has won for us.

On August 5th we will first engage the following “days” or readings of passages from the Gospels of John and Luke. Check them out!

DAY 1/pages 9,10,11/John 1:1-5/Older Than Time & Luke 1:5-66 God Comes Near
DAY 2/pages 11,12,13/John 1:6-18/The Light & the Life & Luke 2:1-40/The King is Born
DAY 3/pages 13,14/Luke 2:41-52/The Boy King & John 1:19-51/The Light-The Life & the Lamb
DAY 4/pages 15,16,17/Luke 4:1-13/Tough Choices & John 2:1-3:21/Who will follow?

Use your Streamsbook if you can/your bible as well – this is a great tool for your future – helping people to get to know Jesus firsthand is golden, my friend!


Dave Nadler

If you can’t make our live classes you can do it on-line at It includes notebook options as well as videos covering each day of the Streamsbook study.