001: A Spiritual Family Paradigm 1

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SH4-004: A Spiritual Paradigm #1

There are 12 key overarching principles to bring about the goal of a Strong Home. We will discuss these in this and the next two posts.

As we mention in our SH2 Protect and Nurture post, this is the core of why families exist. Men and women are to become partners in both protection and nurture. We spent tons of time learning how to reject our culture’s obsession of being equal, and rolled up our sleeves to maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses – for the welfare of our children. Both the male and female heart are indispensable to succeed in family life.

In SH3: Deep Affection and Connectedness, we discussed the deep heart-goal God has for family. If our kids are able to have a healthy and realistic view of affection and connectedness, they will be prepared to bring this into the Kingdom lives they build as well.

We will address Discipline and Correction in SH23, but we want to introduce where this fits in to a more complete view of successful parenting.

It is really OK to be inexperienced as parents. Just getting our feet on the ground with our marriage can be a challenge! But it is not OK to think that a Strong Home will merely occur without communication, agreement, intentionality, and most of all – help from the One Who created us!

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west,  so far has He removed our transgressions from us. 

Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame (limitations); He is well-aware that we are like the dust.”   – Psalms 103:11-14

Spiritual Paradigm questions 1