MBG – 010: Millennial Father 1/The Ancient of Days

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Ancient Of Days

Think about all the songs you have heard or movies you have seen that muse or remark about how time is passing – or of time’s implications for events in life, love, and existence. Humans are acutely aware of the passage of time because it is the one thing we appear to be unable to harness or change.

Inasmuch as humans are completely bound within time, and cannot exceed a certain frame time in which to live (rarely over 100 years), comprehending anything outside of this paradigm is difficult for us. Many of the world’s religions attempt to bring meaning to this inescapable reality. The idea of anything being old is easy to understand (anything within what we know of human history), but the concept of something being ancient is a little more stretching. In fact, often where the word everlasting is used in the God Story, it is interchangeable with the word ancient

We all have a father and a mother. And many of us get to become moms and dads ourselves (and even grandparents). Today we want to discuss the third Father in the human experience. A Father who has always existed (ancient) and has set into motion the Story in which we find ourselves. This was not our choice, but His, and His purposes transcend any and all ideas we have about significance. It is why we must connect and answer the ultimate “father question” if we are ever to make sense of our own dads and moms and the lives of our kids.

As you can imagine, God has much to say about His Fatherhood of the human race, but also about the evil father who has hijacked Adam and Eve’s and their children’s garden state. He also comments much on His relationship with His dear and only Son, the One who opens up the family of God for us to find new hope as sons and daughters of the second Adam, Jesus.

Take a moment and make a note of the things you have learned about your Millennial Father. What is He like? What has He done? What (and how) are you connected with him? It is mind-blowing to think about such transient beings as ourselves being anchored in the heart of our everlasting Creator. We are grateful.

Dave and Burnadette

The Ancient of Days
Who is our Father?
A Good Father Song