The prophets of Israel spoke over hundreds of years. There were many kings, dynasties, and circumstances which the nation faced during these times. God appointed prophets to draw fickle men and women from our idolatrous distractions, back to the One Who could make us free from bondage.
We thought that taking a look at these prophets in their entirety would be helpful, so here you go! You will want to find say access to this chart of the kings and the prophets – it will bring considerable help as you listen and form your personal backdrop for the messages of God’s prophets.
This will take some time, but will prove incredibly helpful as you consider each of the prophets one by one in succeeding posts. Could be watershed, friends! Burnadette reads verses from the prophets all the time – passages God has revealed to us – His words for us!
Enjoy the work.
Dave & Burnadette
Hopefully you will find them prophetable. Yes!