STREAMSBOOK – Days 4-5-6

In Days 1-3 we covered the “pre-time” history of Jesus Messiah as well as His life leading up to His public mission. It covered through His 30th year, and even though there are not multiplied stories of Jesus the child or teen-ager, we have plenty to help us understand the nature of His journey as God-man.

We now turn to His 4 years of VERY active serving, teaching, healing, and truth-telling. We now come face to face with Jesus’ claims about Himself, His dedication to His Father’s will, and His carefully selected miracles. Together they help us answer the question “Who is this man?”

Tough Choices/Luke 4:1-13
Who will follow?/John 2:1-3:21

Now it Begins/Luke 4:14-30
The Successful Healer/Matthew 4:23-25

Woman at the Well/John 4:1-45

Please read each passage and note repeated words and phrases, passage connections, and choose your favorite verses from each. You will also find some good questions for these “days” on pages 109-110. Read through them before you begin and then return to answer them after you have completed your discovery process.

I am already pumped to talk about these “days” next Saturday night!

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