The Self Aware

Jesus' BirthBear with me for a few minutes: I have been thinking about this for some time now.

When and how did Jesus become self-aware of His God-ness?

When He (a newborn) was in His manger?

When He, a growing child – was different than everyone around Him?

When He, a common carpenter’s son, informally learned and searched the Scriptures in Nazareth?

From ages 13 to 30 (which we know nothing about) as He encountered growing up, self-awareness, temptation, success and loss, and obscurity?

After the devil had finished every temptation in the wilderness?

When the dove descended upon Him and a voice from heaven said “this is my beloved Son?”

Or perhaps when He was in the garden asking to be freed from the Cup of death handed to Him by His eternal Father?

I am comforted in my own journey by these words:

“In the days of His flesh He offered up prayers and requests with loud crying and tears to the One Who was able to save Him from death – and He was heard because of His reverent submission.”   – Hebrews 5:7-8

A heart-prosperous 2016 my friend!
We are loved by the One Who has overcome everything!

Warm regards,
Dave & Burnadette Nadler