S1E18: Epoch 4 – Prophets and Captivity 1
0:00 / 0:00 Epoch 4 – Prophets And Captivity 1 Our last epoch found God’s people heading for captivity because of their sin. They had rejected honor of God, and had become captive to their idolatrous impulses. Sound familiar? We have examined our human and spiritual origins in Genesis and Job. We have seen Jesus […]
S1E17: Epoch 3 – Kings and Kingdoms – 2
0:00 / 0:00 S1E17: Epoch 3 – Kings and Kingdoms – 2 In our last episode we talked about the first two kings of the united kingdom of Israel: Saul, who had no heart for God and David who had a whole heart for God. This did not mean David was perfect, for sure. He […]
S1E16: Epoch 3 – Kings and Kingdoms – 1
The concept of Kingship is woven throughout the GodStory. It begins with our Creator’s dominion over all, carries through His…
S1E15: Epoch 2 – Deliverance – 2
In Epoch 1 of the 8 Great epochs in the fabric of time we considered the books of origins: Genesis and Job. These are our…
S1E14: Epoch 2 – Deliverance – 1
We have covered all four Gospels and then engaged with Epoch 6: The Shining Light. This gives us a good overview of…
S1E13: Epoch 1 – Origins
We have spent time in all 4 Gospels, getting the full picture of the teachings, miracles, and mission of Jesus the Lamb…
S1E12: Epoch 6 – The Shining Light
We hope your time in the Streamsbook and the first 10 episodes covering the four Gospels has been good for your heart as…
S1E11: The Streamsbook
We have enjoyed a relational dive into the four gospels. In Matthew Jesus leads us to humbly accepting His Kingship…
S1E10: Connectivity – 2
0:00 / 0:00 John 11-21 https://vimeo.com/850323695 ALONE WITH HIS OWN There are so many things involved with Jesus incarnation and His coming to seek and save that which is lost. Basically this means that the Son left heaven and came in the form of a man to do His Father’s will. There is so much […]
S1E09: Connectivity – 1
0:00 / 0:00 John 1-10 https://vimeo.com/850317896 Many agree that John the disciple penned his gospel between 30-40 years after the resurrection of his King, Jesus. What’s cool about this is that he had plenty of time to process, grow as a follower (he was probably in his 20’s when he walked with Jesus), and apply […]