Music: If You Could See

(Both versions are linked below)

I wrote the song “If You Could See” a number of years ago as I was contemplating people who are not “normal.” I was thinking about disabilities, tough educational or relational backgrounds, etc. It stuck me how I should probably be very careful about how I defined “normal.” This has been amplified by getting to know/interacting with quite a few people over our 45 years of active relational pursuit. The body is the body. The mind is the mind. The soul is the soul. Who are we, really – and what makes us normal?

If You Could See song-poem lyrics:
If you could see inside of me, into the window of my soul
Would you be pleased in spite of me?
If you could see into my mind, would you find, that I am your kind
And would I be worth loving? He knows me.
If you could see into my heart, would you come close, would you even start?
To reach out to such one as me? He loves me.

Love hurts. Love costs. You can’t win, until you have lost. 
Love lives – love gives/you can’t receive until you can give…

Newer chorus additions:
You you believe enough to stay? Would you take time to look into my heart.
Would you believe enough to stay – around – around?

What’s fun about this song is that you can hear it the way Burn and I did it 30 years ago alongside some of my younger, more sophisticated musical friends. We both had the freedom to interpret musically as we saw fit. So here you go: 2 audio files – one previous/one much newer. Let us know what you think!

From Psalm 139:
“For you formed my inward parts and wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works – my soul knows this very well! My unique imprint was not hidden from You when I was made in secret and skillfully formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance in Your own Word – You established my days before I was brought into being by Your power.”

Dave & Burnadette’s Earlier Version (catch the vinyl clicks at the beginning)
Newest Version