God’s Man/God’s Woman: What Is It I Want?

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What is it that I Want?

In chapter three Brent and Dave discuss personal vision and target acquisition. To know where you are heading and to be able to take steps to hit the mark. This is a big deal when it comes to being satisfied not only with where your life goes, but how you get there.

Brent’s insights here are awesome and his analogy of river travel is extremely helpful as you chart an effective course of action to succeed: heart and soul. We outline three specific targets which can help you focus your efforts, and explore why the how matters. This is great outline for personal vision – one you can adapt yourself and use to help others define a clear path and ultimate destination.

         “Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don’t get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you’re going. And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed.”  Joshua 1:7-8/Message

It is also important to find other friends who share like-minded, wise vision, right? 

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”   – Proverbs 13:20

Choose your friends wisely. And walk far ahead of your enemies (yes, and love your enemies too, we know).

The new book will be coming out next week on Amazon. Enjoy!

Dave and Burnadette