God’s Man/God’s Woman – Guiding Our Home

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Establishing, Nurturing, and Guiding My Home

This chapter of God’s Man/God’s Woman gives a very personal inside look into how both Brent and Dave’s families feel about home life. Even a modest numbered family has many moving parts and a complexity of relationships. Husband to wife. Wife to husband. Dad to daughter. Mom to son. Dad to son. Mom to daughter. Brother to sister. You get the idea. Add to this other immediate family and our close social networks, let alone the influence of school, the internet, and certain invasive structures, and guiding a home can be a real challenge, right?

Brent and Dave believe that our children and grandchildren are our responsibility to mentor, guide, and encourage. Together with Brenda and Burnadette, we do our best to make it count on behalf of our kids and grands. At BrentHarrisBooks.com you will find several audio interactions between Brenda, Burney, Danielle, and Rachel Leigh.

Part of our watchfulness involves fueling the learning process – with values, character, and truth. Part of this can be appropriately challenging the status quo as we practice proven strategies for family life. Let’s take an honest look at realistic family life. Great stuff!

You can find a Strong Homes course here with posts, conversation guides, and many audio clips. The complete course is found under – wait for it – courses! We have some combined experience in the ups and downs of family life. And here is some great music to teach your kids wisdom principles at home (with kids singing the songs in the lower portion of the player).

Let’s make it count!
Brent, Brenda, Dave, and Burnadette