Engage Training
God brings a unique take on His kind of leadership. He wants to guide others through us, and for us to engage the process of bringing others closer to Him – as we actively engage our own journey.
Engage Leadership Training addresses the core functions of what it means to become a Christ-follower, and to helps draw those whom we care for into this epic, rewarding journey into eternity. In-depth conversations with pdf as well as video teaching content for each section should be all you need to dive deeply and engage!
Let’s do it!
Dave & Burnadette Nadler
Course List:
- 001: Indestructible Life
- 002: Growing Strong In The Story Of Time
- 003: First Things First
- 004: Who Is God
- 005: Reasons To Believe
- 006: Fine Tuning
- 007: What Jesus Wants – 1
- 008: What Jesus Wants – 2
- 009: What Is The Kingdom
- 010: Spiritual Transformation
- 011: How People Are Healed
- 012: My New Heart
- 013: Forgiveness
- 014: Deeper In The God Story
- 015: The God Story Part One
- 016: The God Story Part Two
- 017: Quality Character
- 018: Spiritual Warfare
- 019: Talking With God
- 020: Relational Farming
- 021: Kingdom Seed
- 022: Kingdom Harvest
- 023: Principled Living
- 024: Holy Spirit
- 025: Kingdom Leadership
Study Guides