MKH – 030: The War
0:00 / 0:00 The War By and large mankind has engaged in war throughout time. Conflicts. Oppression. Inability to see eye to eye.
0:00 / 0:00 The War By and large mankind has engaged in war throughout time. Conflicts. Oppression. Inability to see eye to eye.
In God’s world men AND women are central to revealing and building the Kingdom of heaven. This is not a contest between men What a great Gospel! In Matthew the King comes to the earth in human form through the Father’s promises through the Jewish
We are building/adapting our mentoring site right now – so this post will give you a flavor for where we are
When it comes to understanding “christianity” several things are key. First, according to the God Story, the Jewish story is seamlessly woven along
0:00 / 0:00 Ancient Of Days Think about all the songs you have heard or movies you have seen that muse or remark
0:00 / 0:00 What I know To Be True As we travel our journey we learn a lot about people – and much
0:00 / 0:00 Theology & Faith There is SCIENCE. Because God is the Father of knowledge, science inevitably reveals a magnificent Designer. There
0:00 / 0:00 What Does Philosophy Bring To Me There are almost as many philosophers as there have been human beings. Our thoughts,
In my lifetime of learning, science and the Bible have been presented as being antithetical. God-deniers appeal to science for proof that there