001: I Am God’s Character
0:00 / 0:00 I am God's Character Think about all of the great men and women and youth in the GodStory who accomplished
0:00 / 0:00 I am God's Character Think about all of the great men and women and youth in the GodStory who accomplished
In my lifetime of learning, science and the Bible have been presented as being antithetical. God-deniers appeal to science for proof that there
It is hard to imagine time as a limited commodity. And yet even if we live to one hundred, what are that many
We enjoy bringing you our weekly podcasts from Fourthstream.com. Thanks for listening! If you want to understand more about our mission and approach,
What are the things that evoke grateful responses in your heart? Satisfaction? Achievement? That feeling of things working out in a surprising or
Being outside of time would bring unique perspective to your life, would it not? This is one of the realities in which God
Younger people lack experience but often have great hearts. Some older people are really wise and strong. Older people can also get worn
Have you ever had a situation or person dogging you? Always on your mind? With a certain amount of dread or even an
Several decades ago my dad and mom purchased eight acres in south-central Iowa. It reminded them of Wisconsin, partially because it was very
Do you ever feel a little lost or disconnected? Things you hope for either don’t work out or leave you feeling flat?